The OXYCHECK Advantage

The OXYCHECK system components are made entirely from materials that are non-flammable in oxygen at pressures equal to or greater than the maximum allowable working pressure. This essentially removes the Fuel Leg of the Fire Triangle and greatly reduces both the risk of a fire occurring and the consequences of an unanticipated ignition. This rigorous engineering process results in oxygen system components with an unprecedented level of fire safety.

OXYCHECK's patent-pending flow control technology enables a high-quality seal and exceptional performance without any flammable and/or non-metallic seating or sealing materials, thus providing:

• Exceptional levels of fire safety in pressurised/concentrated oxygen

• Excellent performance in extreme, corrosive and/or oxidising environments


OXYCHECK advanced manufacturing capabilities and worldwide network of technical experts ensures the provision of first class components and service for any oxygen system application.


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